We rescue and reuse materials to craft YOUR one-of-a-kind.
Through thoughtful design and skilled craftsmanship, we transform abandoned billboards and leftover raw materials into handmade bags. They are all unique, just like the person who wears them.
Twenty plus years of expertise in every detail
Months, sometimes years are spent extensively testing our bags before the design is finalized and manufacturing begins. See some of the powerful features below by tapping on the + signs.

Material research
Essentially, we employ and frequently combine two types of materials: on the one hand, we are sourcing lasting quality canvases that have become obsolete in industrial production, and on the other, we are conserving discarded and abandoned advertising materials.
The advertising banners go through a special procedure. For further details on the production process, just tap here.

Create your own
Come design and make a bag for yourself or to give as a present to someone special. Anyone interested in sustainable design and constructing things in a creative and fun atmosphere is welcome to attend our Budapest workshop.

Why we do it
Going circular is the only way to ensure a viable and sustainable future, as we can no longer afford to live in a throw-away culture. In our view, used materials are incredible resources and provide rich potential for the creation of exceptional and practical items.
What we do
Apart from producing bags and other carriers, we also provide services related to upcycling and ecological design. We often collaborate with partners that have similar beliefs about the economy of circularity and the development of a sustainable future.
Ménesi út 1.
1118 Budapest
Thu & Thu, 12pm - 6pm
Wed & Fri, 12pm - 5pm